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Radnor Primary School

Dosbarth 3​​​​​​​

Croeso I Ddosbarth 3

 Welcome to Class 3

Mrs Royle-Mon-Tues

Mrs Phillips Wed-Fri

Welcome back!

Thanks for checking our class page! I hope you are well and have had a lovely break ready for the new term!

Here you will find useful information, a gallery of photographs and a summary of our learning journey in Dosbarth 3.

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to us at the end of the school day.






If your child is bringing a snack, please can it be labelled to avoid confusion. 


For Autumn Term

  • Please can pupils bring appropriate PE kit to school on the following PE days:
  • Tuesday (outdoor) and Wednesday (indoor)

Reading Books

Books will be sent home as soon as the children have been assessed. Books will need to be brought back to school on a Friday and then they will be returned to you on Monday. There will also be a small red book sent home with high-frequency words for the children to learn as often as possible. Your child will also be bringing home their Hwb and Active Learn Maths log in cards. Please keep these somewhere safe and practise logging on and playing some of the games from home.

Make sure you also find us on X (formerly known as Twitter) using the handle
@RadnorCanton and our class hashtag is #RadnorD3 where you can see regular
weekly updates too!



Any questions, please let us know!